Turn over a new leaf in play structure roofs with the Hex Bulb Roof. This attractive roof is perfect for providing shade and protection from the sun to children playing on your play structure. The roof is also designed to provide children will protection from the rain. The roof is made out of material that is both strong and durable. The roof is round, and it is made out of six triangular panels. Each panel is designed and molded to look like they are made from a bunch of realistic looking leaves that are overlapping. This design is for more than just aesthetic pleasure though. The grooves in the design of the molded leaves are designed to help with the drainage of water from the roof when it is raining. If water is left to sit on top of play structure roofs for too long it can be detrimental, so the design of this roof helps prevent any detriment to the play structure. The Hex Bulb Roof is a multi-beneficial way to enhance the look of your play structure.