2-Pack Adjustable End Kit for Funtimber Border

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SKU: ADJ-00001  Category:


We know your child’s safety is of utmost importance to you and this product has it all! This product is the safest and best option when it is in your play area. The added benefit you get is it maintains loose fill safety surfacing. The Funtimber border is used to maintain the surface mulch and save on the cost of replacement. They do not have sharp edges and have rounded corners that make them safe for play. They are durable, made of recycle polyethylene, affordable and require little or no maintenance. Funtimber is easy to install and does not splinter, rot or decay around your play area. The kits are available in 12′ length and 9′ length with interlocking design that is be appropriate for generally all age groups.
The product also features two filler ends and two adjustable ends to enable you to modify the Funtimber border as per your requirements. Should you want to customize the perimeter length, cut it to the desired length and insert the filler end to get the desired length! Besides all of these features, it is packaged in a very sophisticated and neat way to decrease your cost on freight and installation. What more do you want!